
HD Brings Back Our Old Problems With TV Audio Levels

There's been a resurgence of an old-school problem with broadcast TV: since digital transition, it seems like hardly anyone pays attention to program audio levels. I was watching a movie on TNT Sunday night and when they went to a break, it suddenly became so loud I spilled a drink on myself fumbling for the remote control.
I called a buddy of mine at Turner Studios to find out who's in charge of QC'ing their on-air playout. Turns out they've got lots of handy tools they use to keep their signal broadcast safe. In fact, they tell him 'Don't worry about video levels, we can catch that on the way out.', so it would seem that they could knock the audio of their promos down at least enough to keep me from getting soaked in Diet Coke. Some channels are better than others, like NatGeo, which is very uniform between programs and breaks. I'm not saying, but I'm just saying...

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