
LED TV: Much Ado About a Little

The recent media blitz about LED TV had me sufficiently intrigued by this weekend that I finally headed to Best Buy to see the thing for myself. After a closer look, I have to say I'm pretty underwhelmed.
I didn't spend a lot of time evaluating LG or Samsung's claims while I was there, but it looks like what you have is basically the same old LCD TV we're used to, except now LED's take the place of the old-school backlight technology. I saw a modest improvement on the slurring of text crawl messages, so I guess we'll have slightly more legible tornado warnings. Swell. I didn't see the display go to black, but I'm assuming they can darken the LED's with the picture, which would improve it's likeness to conventional TV. It's also considerably thinner than a regular TV, so I suppose that's a huge improvement, architecturally speaking. The bottom line is, your existing TV shouldn't be losing sleep over this one, but if I was in the market for a replacement, this is enough of an incremental improvement that it would probably win out.

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